Dungeon World Fronts in D&D

#Articles, #Traduzioni, #Dm, #Quest, #Planning

Thanks to the author for allowing us to, I'd wish to post here on SpadaBastarda today one of Mike Shea's article I've found more useful among all the other excellent pieces appeared on SlyFlourish. The Front concept presented in the article will let you make your game world alive and dynamic, able to evolve according to characters actions. Fronts are a very interesting way actually of planning your quests and, especially, campaigns.

The 5x5 Method

#Articles, #Traduzioni, #Dm, #Quest, #Planning

With the author permission, we suggest here on SpadaBastarda one of the most popular Dave Chalker's articles appeared on his blog Critical-Hits. The 5x5 Method is a planning strategy for Masters that sits between giving enough decisions for the party to make so that their choices matter and, at the same time, isn't too wide open as to make it difficult to plan ahead for those of us Masters fellows who are not as great at building adventures on the fly.