D&D 5E Character Sheets

Seen the success among my players of my custom D&D Next Character Sheet, collecting their feedbacks I've prepared a new 5E version too!

I've decided to make available from now our Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition character sheet. After the D&D Next version, this has been greeted with excitement by my players. To the A5-booklet-V version I'm giving to you today other layout will follow in a near future (A4-V and A4-H). Hope in possible feedback.

Update 03-10-2014

As promised, before the end of September I'm giving to you a first A4-V version. In addition, I'm introducing to you an alternate version too for spellcasting classes. I ask you a little more of patience for the fillable versions. There are so many fields to force me to split the releases. Meanwhile enjoy these and have a nice D&D!

Update 04-10-2014

Adding the 8.5x11'' sheets as well for the american friends.